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How do Users Experience Asynchrony between Visual and Haptic Information?

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

Date:April 2024

Teams:University of Oslo

Writers:Skye Zoltanski,Çağri Erdem,Konstantinos Kousias,Özgü Alay,Carsten Griwodz

PDF:How do Users Experience Asynchrony between Visual and Haptic Information?


In this paper, we investigate the effects of asynchrony between the visual and haptic feedback in virtual reality (VR) on user experience, specifically focusing on understanding users’ awareness of this asynchrony and its effect on their level of satisfaction. Using Unreal Engine, we created an experimental setup to adjust the timing between these sensory inputs. Our experiment featured a VR dodge game that provides haptic feedback on the body when the player is hit by a multitude of virtual objects. Conducting a targeted, small-scale user study, we aim to understand in what ways an introduced asynchrony influences the VR experience. The results highlight the perceptibility of asynchrony, which significantly affects the overall user experience. Nonetheless, we also find an asymmetry that benefits scenarios where haptic feedback precedes visual cues. Furthermore, our findings suggest that users can generally accept minor levels of asynchrony without significant disadvantages to their satisfaction. However, it is interesting to note that even when users cannot explicitly identify any asynchrony, they might still experience a slight decrease in satisfaction.

