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Dataset of Spatial Room Impulse Responses in a Variable Acoustics Room for Six Degrees-of-Freedom Rendering and Analysis

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PubDate: Nov 2021

Teams: Aalto University

Writers: Thomas McKenzie, Leo McCormack, Christoph Hold

PDF: Dataset of Spatial Room Impulse Responses in a Variable Acoustics Room for Six Degrees-of-Freedom Rendering and Analysis


Room acoustics measurements are used in many areas of audio research, from physical acoustics modelling and speech enhancement to virtual reality applications. This paper documents the technical specifications and choices made in the measurement of a dataset of spatial room impulse responses (SRIRs) in a variable acoustics room. Two spherical microphone arrays are used: the mh Acoustics Eigenmike em32 and the Zylia ZM-1, capable of up to fourth- and third-order Ambisonic capture, respectively. The dataset consists of three source and seven receiver positions, repeated with five configurations of the room’s acoustics with varying levels of reverberation. Possible applications of the dataset include six degrees-of-freedom (6DoF) analysis and rendering, SRIR interpolation methods, and spatial dereverberation techniques.

