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Understanding User Experiences Across VR Walking-in-place Locomotion Methods

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PubDate: April 2022

Teams: Singapore Institute of Technology

Writers: Chek Tien Tan;Leon Cewei Foo;Adriel Yeo;Jeannie Su Ann Lee;Edmund Wan;Xiao-Feng Kenan Kok;Megani Rajendran

PDF: Understanding User Experiences Across VR Walking-in-place Locomotion Methods


Navigating large-scale virtual spaces is a major challenge in Virtual Reality (VR) applications due to real-world spatial limitations. Walking-in-place (WIP) locomotion solutions may provide a natural approach for VR use cases that require locomotion to share similar qualities with walking in real-life. However, there is limited knowledge on the range of experiences across common WIP methods to inform the design of usable WIP solutions using consumer-accessible components. This paper contributes to this knowledge via a user study with 40 participants that experienced several easy-to-setup WIP methods in a VR commuting simulation. A nuanced understanding of cybersickness and exertion relationships and walking affordances based on different tracker setups were among the findings derived from a corroborated analysis of think-aloud, interview, and observational data, supplemented with self-reports of VR sickness, presence and flow. Practical design insights were then constructed along the dimensions of cybersickness, affordances, space and user interfaces.

