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A New Dynamic Stable Treemapping Method

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PubDate: Aug 2022

Teams:   Xiangtan Institute of Technology;University of Guelph;University of Konstanz

Writers: Cong Feng; Minglun Gong; Oliver Deussen

PDFA New Dynamic Stable Treemapping Method


Dynamic stabilility is a desired property for treemapping methods. Since in real world, the dataset is usually in a continuous way to be proceed, and the treemap we visualized will be in a dynamic flow. In this paper, We present a dynamic stable treepping method. This method has two steps, the first step is to lay out each rectangle into the treemap in a near-uniform way, and the second step is to resize each rectanle into its real size. This method is a novel method which focuses on the dynamic stable issue of treemapping methods. We use three different real world datasets to test our method, and compare our method with 14 existing methods.

