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Extended Reality for Midwifery Learning: MR VR Demonstration

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

PubDate: November 2019

Teams: University of Newcastle,University of South Australia

Writers: Donovan Jones, Zi Siang See, Mark Billinghurst, Lizbeth Goodman, Shanna Fealy

PDF: Extended Reality for Midwifery Learning: MR VR Demonstration


This demonstration presents a development of a Mixed Reality (MR) and Virtual Reality (VR) research project for midwifery student learning, and a novel approach for showing extended reality content in an educational setting. The Road to Birth (RTB) visualises the changes that occur in the female body during pregnancy, and the five days immediately after birth (postpartum) in a detailed 3D setting. In the Base Anatomy studio, users can observe the base anatomical layers of an adult female. In Pregnancy Timeline, they can scroll through the weeks of gestation to see the development of the baby and the anatomical changes of the mother throughout the pregnancy and postpartum. Finally, users can learn about the different possible birthing positions that may present in Birth Considerations. During the demo, users can experience the system in either MR or VR.

