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Möbiusschleife: Beyond the Bounds of a Closed-Loop VR System

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PubDate: November 2019

Teams: Revetronique

Writers: Koki Toda; Sayuki Hayashi

PDF: Möbiusschleife: Beyond the Bounds of a Closed-Loop VR System


We propose a VR system “Möbiusschleife” to make the VR and real world directly interact and enlarge the boundary of the VR player’s field. Conventional VR systems generally adopt head- mounted display (HMD) to present altered experiences from the real, but external audiences cannot receive them. In this paper, we present a virtual “window” which provides bidirectional face-to- face interaction between the VR and real world with a touch display and webcam. We also prepare a simple stereoscopic display enabling the VR player and objects to move as if part of the VR world leaps into the real world. Lastly, we integrate all the above systems as a simple chat application with a virtual character.

