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Evaluating Visual Attention and QoE for 360° videos with non-spatial and spatial audio

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Date:May 2024

Teams:Technological University of the Shannon – Midlands Midwest

Writers:Amit Hirway,Yuansong Qiao,Niall Murray

PDF:Evaluating Visual Attention and QoE for 360° videos with non-spatial and spatial audio


Limited research has explored the impact of spatial audio on viewer experience in 360° videos. This research aims to address this gap by investigating the effects of spatial versus non-spatial audio configurations on the Quality of Experience (QoE) and visual attention. Spatial audio simulates real-world soundscapes, while non-spatial audio lacks contextual depth. A robust methodology combining subjective assessments with head pose and eye tracking and physiological response analysis provides insights into the role of audio spatiality. Preliminary results suggest that spatial audio significantly enhances immersion and directs visual attention. These findings offer actionable guidelines for content creators and contribute to the understanding of audio-visual integration in immersive content. Additionally, the research informs potential advancements in content delivery optimization. Spatial audio understanding can guide adaptive streaming techniques to prioritize relevant audio streams, potentially reducing bandwidth requirements. This can improve viewer experience in bandwidth-constrained environments.

