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User experience problems in immersive virtual environments

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

PubDate: June 2019

Teams: University of Granada

Writers: Juan Luis Berenguel Forte;Francisco Luis Gutiérrez Vela;Patricia Paderewski Rodríguez

PDF: User experience problems in immersive virtual environments


In recent years there has been a great boom in the use of immersive virtual environments applications, but research into interaction techniques for these technologies has not had the same growth. Therefore, it is necessary to study the user experience of the different forms of interaction that these technologies offer to users and give developers the information needed to use the techniques that best suit their applications and their users. This work is an exploratory study to detect the problems that the users find in this kind of applications. We aim to make an evaluation of a determined set of interaction techniques, both in virtual and augmented reality, attending to the problems produced in the users to know the strengths and weaknesses of each type of interaction technique. With this study, we will be able to make a guide for the developers, in order to give them clues about the best interaction technique for their applications.

