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Designing a Collaborative Virtual Reality Game for Teen-Robot Interactions

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

PubDate: June 2019

Teams: University of Washington

Writers: Ada S. Kim;Elin A. Björling;Simran Bhatia;Dong Li

PDF: Designing a Collaborative Virtual Reality Game for Teen-Robot Interactions


Virtual reality (VR) offers potential as a prototyping tool for human-robot interaction. We explored a way to utilize human-centered design (HCD) methodology to develop a collaborative VR game for understanding teens’ perceptions of, and interactions with, social robots. Our paper features three stages of the design process for teen-robot interaction in VR; ideation, prototyping, and the game development. In the ideation stage, we identified three important design principles: collaboration, customization, and robot characterization. In the prototyping stage, we developed a card game, conducted gameplay, and confirmed our design principles. Finally, we developed a low-fidelity VR game and received teens’ feedback. This exploratory study highlights the potential of VR, both for collaborative robot design and teen-robot interaction studies.

