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Being them: presence of using non-human avatars in immersive virtual environment

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PubDate: November 2018

Teams: Yonsei University

Writers: Dong-Yong Lee;Yong-Hun Cho;In-Kwon Lee

PDF: Being them: presence of using non-human avatars in immersive virtual environment


This work examines the differences of the effects between using humanoid and non-humanoid avatars on the user’s Illusion of Virtual Body Ownership (IVBO) and experience. We used three kinds of avatars: bipedalism group (human), quadrupedalism group (wolf), and serpentine motion group (snake). The result shows that using non-humanoid avatars feel more sense of change of their body. Users feel more proficient when using the humanoid avatar, but are more pleased with the non-humanoid avatars.

