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Demonstrating Emotion Sharing and Augmentation in Cooperative Virtual Reality Games

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PubDate: October 2018

Teams: University of South Australia

Writers: Jonathon D. Hart;Thammathip Piumsomboon;Louise Lawrence;Gun A. Lee;Ross T. Smith;Mark Billinghurst

PDF: Demonstrating Emotion Sharing and Augmentation in Cooperative Virtual Reality Games


For our demonstration, we present two cooperative social Virtual Reality (VR) games that support sharing and augmenting facial expression between a VR player and a laptop player. The two games, “Bomb Defusal” and “Island Survivor”, provide different and unique experiences that take advantages of sharing the player’s facial expression. Our system captures facial expressions of the laptop player and shares them on their avatar to the VR player in real-time. This demonstration shows the potential of sharing facial expression and potentially emotions, for cooperative VR games.

