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Trans-scale Playground: An Immersive Visual Telexistence System for Human Adaptation

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PubDate: October 2018

Teams: University of Tsukuba

Writers: Satoshi Hashizume;Akira Ishii;Kenta Suzuki;Kazuki Takazawa;Yoichi Ochiai

PDF: Trans-scale Playground: An Immersive Visual Telexistence System for Human Adaptation


In this paper, we present a novel telexistence system and design methods for telexistence studies to explore spatialscale deconstruction. There have been studies on the experience of dwarf-sized or giant-sized telepresence have been conducted over a period of many years. In this study, we discuss the scale of movements, image transformation, technical components of telepresence robots, and user experiences of telexistence-based spatial transformations. We implemented two types of telepresence robots with an omnidirectional stereo camera setup for a spatial trans-scale experience, wheeled robots, and quadcopters. These telepresence robots provide users with a trans-scale experience for a distance ranging from 15 cm to 30 m. We conducted user studies for different camera positions on robots and for different image transformation method.

