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Discovering the smart forests with virtual reality

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PubDate: June 2017

Teams: Université du Québec

Writers: Dara Aghamirkarimi;Daniel Lemire

PDF: Discovering the smart forests with virtual reality


By analogy with the rise of the Internet of Things in cities and the emergence of “smart cities”, we advocate the concept of a “smart forest”. Such a constantly and deeply monitored forest can both maximize wood production and help combat climate change. However, as we work toward the acquisition of terabytes of sensor data, using inexpensive Internet-of-Things technology, we face an age-old data warehousing and Big Data challenge: how do we equip the decision makers and the scientists so that they can make sense of this deluge of data? We propose to go beyond conventional geographical information systems (GIS) and to leverage a concurrent technological trend: afordable virtual reality. We discuss upcoming challenges and opportunities.

