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A comparative study of simulated augmented reality displays for vehicle navigation

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

PubDate: November 2016

Teams: University of Canterbury;University of South Australia

Writers: Richie Jose;Gun A. Lee;Mark Billinghurst

PDF: A comparative study of simulated augmented reality displays for vehicle navigation


In this paper we report on a user study in a simulated environment that compares three types of Augmented Reality (AR) displays for assisting with car navigation: Heads Up Display (HUD), Head Mounted Display (HMD) and Heads Down Display (HDD). The virtual cues shown on each of the interface were the same, but there was a significant difference in driver behaviour and preference between interfaces. Overall, users performed better and preferred the HUD over the HDD, and the HMD was ranked lowest. These results have implications for people wanting to use AR cues for car navigation.

