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Implications of Eye Tracking Research to Cinematic Virtual Reality

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

PubDate: June 2020

Teams: LMU Munich

Writers: Sylvia Rothe;Lewis L. Chuang

PDF: Implications of Eye Tracking Research to Cinematic Virtual Reality


While watching omnidirectional movies via head-mounted displays the viewer has an immersive viewing experience. Turning the head and looking around is a natural input technique to choose the visible part of the movie. For realizing scene changes depending on the viewing direction and for implementing non-linear story structures in cinematic virtual reality (CVR), selection methods are required to select the story branches. The input device should not disturb the viewing experience and the viewer should not be primarily aware of it. Eye- and head-based methods do not need additional devices and seem to be especially suitable. We investigate several techniques by using an own tool for analysing head and eye tracking data in CVR.

