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Dense 3D reconstruction with an active binocular panoramic vision system

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PubDate: October 2017

Teams: Chinese Academy of Science

Writers: Honglong Zhang ; Danrong Li ; Zhan Song

PDF: Dense 3D reconstruction with an active binocular panoramic vision system


This paper presents a novel 3D panoramic system which is composed with two panoramic cameras and a laser line projector. By rotating the laser line, a serial of panoramic images with laser strip projections can be obtained. By calibrating the panoramic cameras, epipolar constrain can be used to precisely solve the corresponding points on the laser strips in the panoramic images. As a result, a dense 3D reconstruction result can be obtained based on the binocular panoramic cameras. In the experiment, a complex indoor scene is used. The experimental results show that, the scenario can be well reconstructed by our method in comparison with classical stereo matching approaches. With proposed method, not only panoramic images can be generated, but also dense 3D information can be reconstructed, which has great potentials in various applications.

