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WristAR: A Wrist-Mounted Augmented Reality Interface

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

PubDate: November 2020

Teams: Northumbria University

Writers: Derianna Thomas;Lars Erik Holmquist

PDF: WristAR: A Wrist-Mounted Augmented Reality Interface


The use of both smartwatches and augmented reality (AR) has steadily grown in the past decade, however there are few examples of combining these technologies to enhance user experiences. We introduce WristAR, a wrist-worn prototype that supports the use of hands-free AR, removing the need to wear a head-mounted display or hold a smartphone, aiming to give a more natural way to experience AR. The prototype is equipped with a camera and screen, making it possible to run AR applications in a form-factor that emulates a smartwatch. In order to test the concept we built an AR application which allows users to play a simple card game displaying animated AR characters. In a user study with 12 participants, we found that although the device was unfamiliar and has restricted movement, participants suggested that with improvements it could become a viable alternative to current AR interfaces.

