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Slicing-Volume: Hybrid 3D/2D Multi-target Selection Technique for Dense Virtual Environments

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PubDate: May 2020

Teams: University of Sussex;Adobe Research

Writers: Roberto A. Montano-Murillo; Cuong Nguyen; Rubaiat Habib Kazi; Sriram Subramanian; Stephen DiVerdi; Diego Martinez-Plasencia

PDF: Slicing-Volume: Hybrid 3D/2D Multi-target Selection Technique for Dense Virtual Environments


3D selection in dense VR environments (e.g., point clouds) is extremely challenging due to occlusion and imprecise mid-air input modalities (e.g., 3D controllers and hand gestures). In this paper, we propose “Slicing-Volume”, a hybrid selection technique that enables simultaneous 3D interaction in mid-air, and a 2D pen-and-tablet metaphor in VR. Inspired by well-known slicing plane techniques in data visualization, our technique consists of a 3D volume that encloses target objects in mid-air, which are then projected to a 2D tablet view for precise selection on a tangible physical surface. While slicing techniques and tablets-in-VR have been previously explored, in this paper, we evaluated the potential of this hybrid approach to improve accuracy in highly occluded selection tasks, comparing different multimodal interactions (e.g., Mid-air, Virtual Tablet and Real Tablet). Our results showed that our hybrid technique significantly improved overall accuracy of selection compared to Mid-air selection only, thanks to the added haptic feedback given by the physical tablet surface, rather than the added visualization given by the tablet view.

