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Wearable tactile device using mechanical and electrical stimulation for fingertip interaction with virtual world

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PubDate: April 2017

Teams: The University of Electro-Communications

Writers: Vibol Yem; Hiroyuki Kajimoto

PDF: Wearable tactile device using mechanical and electrical stimulation for fingertip interaction with virtual world


We developed “Finger Glove for Augmented Reality” (FinGAR), which combines electrical and mechanical stimulation to selectively stimulate skin sensory mechanoreceptors and provide tactile feedback of virtual objects. A DC motor provides high-frequency vibration and shear deformation to the whole finger, and an array of electrodes provide pressure and low-frequency vibration with high spatial resolution. FinGAR devices are attached to the thumb, index finger and middle finger. It is lightweight, simple in mechanism, easy to wear, and does not disturb the natural movements of the hand. All of these attributes are necessary for a general-purpose virtual reality system. User study was conducted to evaluate its ability to reproduce sensations of four tactile dimensions: macro roughness, friction, fine roughness and hardness. Result indicated that skin deformation and cathodic stimulation affect macro roughness and hardness, whereas high-frequency vibration and anodic stimulation affect friction and fine roughness.

