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Quick Estimation of Detection Thresholds for Redirected Walking with Method of Adjustment

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PubDate: August 2019

Teams: Huazhong University of Science and Technology;Universite Paris-Sud

Writers: Weiya Chen; Yangliu Hu; Nicolas Ladevèze; Patrick Bourdot

PDF: Quick Estimation of Detection Thresholds for Redirected Walking with Method of Adjustment


A method that allows quick estimation of Redirection Detection Thresholds (RDTs) is not only useful for identifying factors that contribute to the detection of redirections, but can also provide timely inputs for personalized redirected walking control. In aim to achieve quick RDT estimation, we opted for a classical psychophysical method - the Method of Adjustment (MoA), and compared it against commonly used method for RDT estimation (i.e. MCS-2AFC) to see their difference. Preliminary results show that MoA allows to save about 33% experiment time when compared with MCS-2AFC while getting overall similar RDT estimations on the same population.

