XR 2020年04月08日 15:10:18 映维 Haptic Links: Bimanual Haptics for Virtual Reality Using Variable Stiffness Actuation
XR 2020年04月08日 15:10:15 映维 Haptic Revolver: Touch, Shear, Texture, and Shape Rendering on a Reconfigurable Virtual Reality Controller
XR 2020年04月08日 14:11:03 映维 Text Entry in Immersive Head-Mounted Display-based Virtual Reality using Physical and Touch Keyboards
XR 2020年04月08日 14:10:59 映维 Creating the Perfect Illusion : What will it take to Create Life-Like Virtual Reality Headsets?
XR 2020年04月08日 14:03:58 映维 Generic HRTFs may be good enough in Virtual Reality. Improving source localization through cross-modal plasticity
XR 2020年04月08日 14:00:29 映维 Cardiolens: Remote Physiological Monitoring in a Mixed Reality Environment
XR 2020年04月08日 14:00:23 映维 Head-related transfer function personalization for the needs of spatial audio in mixed and virtual reality
XR 2020年04月08日 14:00:21 映维 Concurrent talking in immersive virtual reality: on the dominance of visual speech cues
XR 2020年04月08日 14:00:16 映维 Sparse Haptic Proxy: Touch Feedback in Virtual Environments Using a General Passive Prop
XR 2020年04月08日 14:00:15 映维 A Statistical Approach to Continuous Self-Calibrating Eye Gaze Tracking for Head-Mounted Virtual Reality Systems
XR 2020年04月08日 13:42:15 映维 NormalTouch and TextureTouch: High-fidelity 3D Haptic Shape Rendering on Handheld Virtual Reality Controllers
XR 2020年04月08日 13:37:08 映维 Mobile Virtual Reality for Head-mounted Displays With Interactive Streaming Video and Likelihood-based Foveation
XR 2020年04月08日 13:33:09 映维 FlashBack: Immersive Virtual Reality on Mobile Devices via Rendering Memoization
XR 2020年04月08日 13:24:04 映维 Haptic Retargeting: Dynamic Repurposing of Passive Haptics for Enhanced Virtual Reality Experiences
XR 2020年04月07日 21:34:10 映维 Room2Room: Enabling Life-Size Telepresence in a Projected Augmented Reality Environment
XR 2020年04月07日 21:12:26 映维 FoveAR: Combining an Optically See-Through Near-Eye Display with Spatial Augmented Reality Projections
XR 2020年04月07日 21:12:23 映维 ConductAR: an augmented reality based tool for iterative design of conductive ink circuits
XR 2020年04月07日 21:12:20 映维 Neurophysiological signatures of the body representation in the brain using Immersive Virtual Reality
XR 2020年04月07日 21:12:17 映维 How to build an embodiment lab: achieving body representation illusions in virtual reality