ThermAirGlove: A Pneumatic Glove for Material Perception in Virtual Reality through Thermal and Force Feedback
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PubDate: November 2019
Teams: City University ofHong Kong
Writers: Shaoyu Cai;Pingchuan Ke;Shanshan Jiang;Takuji Narumi;Kening Zhu
We demonstrate ThermAirGlove (TAGlove), a pneumatic glovewith embedded air bags which provide concurrent on-hand thermaland force feedback in VR. Besides simulating VR objects in dierenttemperature, TAGlove could generate the thermal cues of dierentmaterials (e.g., copper, glass, urethane, etc.) by controlling the airtemperature, and support users’ material identication in VR. Inaddition, the force feedback by the inated air bags could simulatethe size of the virtual objects