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Photorealistic rendering: a survey on evaluation

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PubDate: March 2018

Teams: Liverpool John Moores University;Centre Universiti Teknologi;EDENZ Colleges;Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin

Writers: Hoshang Kolivand, Mohd Shahrizal Sunar, Samira Y. Kakh, Riyadh Al-Rousan & Ismahafezi Ismail

PDF: Photorealistic rendering: a survey on evaluation


This article is a systematic collection of existing methods and techniques for evaluating rendering category in the field of computer graphics. The motive for doing this study was the difficulty of selecting appropriate methods for evaluating and validating specific results reported by many researchers. This difficulty lies in the availability of numerous methods and lack of robust discussion of them. To approach such problems, the features of well-known methods are critically reviewed to provide researchers with backgrounds on evaluating different styles in photo-realistic rendering part of computer graphics. There are many ways to evaluating a research. For this article, classification and systemization method is use. After reviewing the features of different methods, their future is also discussed. Finally, dome pointers are proposed as to the likely future issues in evaluating the research on realistic rendering. It is expected that this analysis helps researchers to overcome the difficulties of evaluation not only in research, but also in application.

