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eyemR-Vis: A Mixed Reality System to Visualise Bi-Directional Gaze Behavioural Cues Between Remote Collaborators

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

PubDate: May 2021

Teams: University of South Australia;

Writers: Allison Jing;Kieran William May;Mahnoor Naeem;Gun Lee;Mark Billinghurst

PDF: eyemR-Vis: A Mixed Reality System to Visualise Bi-Directional Gaze Behavioural Cues Between Remote Collaborators


This demonstration shows eyemR-Vis, a 360 panoramic Mixed Reality collaboration system that translates gaze behavioural cues to bi-directional visualisations between a local host (AR) and a remote collaborator (VR). The system is designed to share dynamic gaze behavioural cues as bi-directional spatial virtual visualisations between a local host and a remote collaborator. This enables richer communication of gaze through four visualisation techniques: browse, focus, mutual-gaze, and fixated circle-map. Additionally, our system supports simple bi-directional avatar interaction as well as panoramic video zoom. This makes interaction in the normally constrained remote task space more flexible and relatively natural. By showing visual communication cues that are physically inaccessible in the remote task space through reallocating and visualising the existing ones, our system aims to provide a more engaging and effective remote collaboration experience.

