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3D Motion Control of Connected Augmented Virtuality on Mobile Phones

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PubDate: July 2008

Teams: Lancaster University

Writers: Fadi Chehimi; Paul Coulton; Reuben Edwards

PDF: 3D Motion Control of Connected Augmented Virtuality on Mobile Phones


Applications of 3 dimensional (3-D) virtual reality are now possible on current mobile phones due to the advances in mobile 3-D graphics technologies. However, the user-interface to these applications is generally still limited to the basic phone keypad which detracts from the sophisticated experience 3-D worlds can provide. In this paper we present a solution to this problem which utilizes the accelerometers on mobile phones to provide 3-D motion-controlled navigation through networked 3-D environments. This mechanism not only eliminates the use of buttons on the phone for control but also bridges the physical world to the virtual one to maintain optimum user experience.

