Analysis of R-V Dynamics Illusion behavior caused by varying the weight of real object

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PubDate: April 2017

Teams: Ritsumeikan University

Writers: Kana Oshima; Satoshi Hashiguchi; Fumihisa Shibata; Asako Kimura

PDF: Analysis of R-V Dynamics Illusion behavior caused by varying the weight of real object


Previously, we discovered the “R-V Dynamics Illusion [1],” a psychophysical phenomenon caused by the difference between the dynamics of real object (R) and virtual object (V) in mixed reality (MR) space. We confirmed that a real object with a movable portion (CG) is perceived lighter by MR visual stimulation [2]. Here, we analyze whether the difference in the mass of real objects affects the R-V Dynamics Illusion. We conducted experiments to determine the difference threshold of weights under the condition where the masses of real objects are 500, 750, and 1000g, and only the CG liquid level is changed. As a result, the difference in mass did not influence the difference threshold of weights by changing the virtual liquid level. On the other hand, with the same mass conditions, the difference threshold of weights becomes smaller when the R-V Dynamics Illusion occurs.


