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Prospective on Eye-Tracking-based Studies in Immersive Virtual Reality

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PubDate: May 2021

Teams: Nanyang Technological University;Xi’an Jiaotong University;Inception Institute of Artificial Intelligence;National Tsing Hua University

Writers: Fan Li; Ching-Hung Lee; Shanshan Feng; Amy Trappey; Fazal Gilani

PDF: Prospective on Eye-Tracking-based Studies in Immersive Virtual Reality


The current virtual reality (VR) techniques develop immersive environments via inducing illusions to our sense. Nowadays, most of VR focuses on inducing visual illusion. Hence, visual is the most important input channel for experiencing and exploring the VR environments. Recently, extensive research efforts have been put on eye-tracking studies. However, the development and growing trends of the VR-based eye-tracking studies are unrevealed due to the lack of a systematic literature review on it. In this study, we reviewed related literature from 2000 to 2019 and summarized them into two main categories, including eye tracking methods and eye-tracking-enabled applications, such as tracking gaze points to manipulate the VR environment, measuring user states, and evaluating the usability of VR based on eye-tracking data. Based on the literature review, we can find that eye-tracking can assist in developing adaptive VR systems and enhance users experience. While comparing with 2D environments, immersive VR environment still requires more deep studies in eye-tracking.

