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Evaluating Virtual Reality as a Medium for Vocational Skill Training

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PubDate: April 2020

Teams: Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology

Writers: Manshul Belani

PDF: Evaluating Virtual Reality as a Medium for Vocational Skill Training


There has been an increasing focus to skill, reskill and upskill the Indian population to capitalize the upcoming demographic dividend of the country. To address this, a broad spectrum of government schemes are being introduced, however, most of them have not been able to fulfil their requirements so far. There is a need for finding out ways to develop dynamic, demand-driven, quality conscious training solutions to enhance the ability to adapt to changing technologies and labour market demands. My dissertation work proposes a potential solution by exploring Virtual Reality as a medium to rapidly develop effective, scalable training modules for vocational skills in new-age employment sectors in India. After creating a framework based on formative research and case studies, I am building and evaluating one such system. I further plan to examine the efficacy of such systems and make them easy to be developed by existing vocational trainers with the help of an authoring tool.

