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Boundaries facilitate spatial orientation in virtual environments

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

PubDate: November 2021

Teams: Iowa State University

Writers: Jonathan W. Kelly;Jason Terrill;Moriah Zimmerman;Taylor A. Doty;Lucia A. Cherep;Melynda T. Hoover;Nicole R. Powell;Owen J. Perrin;Stephen B. Gilbert

PDF: Boundaries facilitate spatial orientation in virtual environments


Teleporting is a popular interface for locomotion through virtual environments (VEs). However, teleporting can cause disorientation. Spatial boundaries, such as room walls, are effective cues for reducing disorientation. This experiment explored the characteristics that make a boundary effective. All boundaries tested reduced disorientation, and boundaries representing navigational barriers (e.g., a fence) were no more effective than those defined only by texture changes (e.g., flooring transition). The findings indicate that boundaries need not be navigational barriers to reduce disorientation, giving VE designers greater flexibility in the spatial cues to include.

