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Estimate the Difference Threshold for Curvature Gain of Redirected Walking

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

PubDate: December 2021

Teams: Korea Institute of Industrial Technology

Writers: Chang-Gyu Lee;Ohung Kwon;DaeSeok Kan

PDF: Estimate the Difference Threshold for Curvature Gain of Redirected Walking


Redirected walking (RDW) allows users to navigate a large virtual world in a small physical space. At this time, if the applied redirection is below the detection threshold, the human hardly notice. However, some papers reported that users perceived changes in curvature gain even when redirections smaller than the detection threshold were applied. This means that the change in curvature gain caused human perception. Therefore, in this paper, we identified a threshold for the change in curvature gain, which was found to be 3.06°/m. Further experiments using different variation methods for variations in curvature gain will follow.

