Towards Progress Assessment for Adaptive Hints in Educational Virtual Reality Games
PubDate: April 2020
Teams: Ulm University,University of Saskatchewan
Writers: Tobias Drey, Pascal Jansen, Fabian Fischbach, Julian Frommel, Enrico Rukzio
PDF: Towards Progress Assessment for Adaptive Hints in Educational Virtual Reality Games
One strength of educational games is their adaptivity to the individual learning progress. Methods to assess progress during gameplay are limited, especially in virtual reality (VR) settings, which show great potential for educational games because of their high immersion. We propose the concept of adaptive hints using progress assessment based on player behavior tracked through a VR-system’s tracking capabilities. We implemented Social Engineer, a VR-based educational game teaching basic knowledge about social engineering (SE). In two user studies, we will evaluate the performance of the progress assessment and the effects of the intervention through adaptive hints on the players’ experience and learning effects. This research can potentially benefit researchers and practitioners, who want to assess progress in educational games and leverage the real-time assessment for adaptive hint systems with the potential of improved player experience and learning outcomes.