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Rapid Prototyping for AR/VR Experiences

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

PubDate: April 2020

Teams: University of South Australia

Writers: Mark Billinghurst

PDF: Rapid Prototyping for AR/VR Experiences


This course will provide an introduction to techniques for rapid prototyping for Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) experiences. With the rise of consumer head mounted displays and powerful mobile phones, AR and VR are becoming increasingly popular. However, until recently, developing AR and VR experiences required strong programming skills. In this course participants will learn how to rapidly prototype AR/VR experiences without the need for programming. Using a mixture of lecture and hands-on activities participants will learn about methods for quickly creating their own AR/VR interfaces. The course will use a mixture of traditional prototyping tools such as sketching, as well as easy to use, free tools for creating AR/VR experiences. This is an ideal course for people who was to quickly prototype and test the core elements of AR/VR experiences before developing their final applications.

