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5G-Enabled Multicast for Scalable Video Streaming in Software-Defined NG-EPON

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

PubDate: December 2021

Teams: Yuan Ze University;Universitas Klabat

Writers: Elaiyasuriyan Ganesan; I-Shyan Hwang; Andrew Tanny Liem

PDF: 5G-Enabled Multicast for Scalable Video Streaming in Software-Defined NG-EPON


Currently, the global pandemic situation threat that drove people to work or stay at home consequently increased the use of multimedia streaming and caused a huge growth in internet traffic that puts huge pressure on the underlying network infrastructure. Multicasting is becoming more significant in the internet of things (IoT), tactile internet (TI), and wearable applications (e.g., Ultra video streaming, virtual reality (VR) games, and so on) that require high bandwidth efficiency. In this regard, we proposed 5G-enabled adaptive scalable video streaming multicast in a softwaredefined NG-EPON network. Finally, we propose a new dynamic bandwidth and wavelength allocation (DWBA) scheme that meets the Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of the streaming services.

