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Towards Conducting Effective Locomotion Through Hardware Transformation in Head-Mounted-Device – A Review Study

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PubDate: April 2022

Teams: IIIT Hyderabad

Writers: Y Pawankumar Gururaj; Raghav Mittal; Sai Anirudh Karre; Y. Raghu Reddy; Syed Azeemuddin

PDF: Towards Conducting Effective Locomotion Through Hardware Transformation in Head-Mounted-Device – A Review Study


Locomotion in Virtual Reality (VR) acts as a motion tracking unit for simulating user movements based on the Degree-of-Freedom (DOF) of the application. For effective locomotion, VR practitioners may have to transform their hardware from 3-DOF to 6-DOF. In this context, we conducted a literature review on different motion tracking methods employed in the Head-Mounted-Devices (HMD) to understand such hardware transformation to conduct locomotion in VR. Our observations led us to formulate a taxonomy of the tracking methods for locomotion in VR based on system design. Our study also captures different metrics that VR practitioners use to evaluate the hardware based on the context, performance, and significance for conducting locomotion.

