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EasyVRModeling: Easily Create 3D Models by an Immersive VR System

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PubDate: May 2022

Teams: Shandong University;Qingdao University of Science and Technology

Writers: Zhiying Fu;Rui Xu;Shiqing Xin;Shuangmin Chen;Changhe Tu;Chenglei Yang;Lin Lu

PDF: EasyVRModeling: Easily Create 3D Models by an Immersive VR System


The latest innovations of VR make it possible to construct 3D models in a holographic immersive simulation environment. In this paper, we develop a user-friendly mid-air interactive modeling system named EasyVRModeling. We first prepare a dataset consisting of diverse components and precompute the discrete signed distance function (SDF) for each component. During the modeling phase, users can freely design complicated shapes with a pair of VR controllers. Based on the discrete SDF representation, any CSG-like operation (union, intersect, subtract) can be performed voxel-wise. Throughout the modeling process, we maintain one single dynamic SDF for the whole scene so that the zero-level set surface of the SDF exactly encodes the up-to-date constructed shape. Both SDF fusion and surface extraction are implemented via GPU to allow for smooth user experience. We asked 34 volunteers to create their favorite models using EasyVRModeling. With a simple training process for several minutes, most of them can create a fascinating shape or even a descriptive scene very quickly.

