DeltaFinger: a 3-DoF Wearable Haptic Display Enabling High-Fidelity Force Vector Presentation at a User Finger
PubDate: Nov 2022
Teams: Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology
Writers: Artem Lykov, Aleksey Fedoseev, Dzmitry Tsetserukou
This paper presents a novel haptic device DeltaFinger designed to deliver the force of interaction with virtual objects by guiding user’s finger with wearable delta mechanism. The developed interface is capable to deliver 3D force vector to the fingertip of the index finger of the user, allowing complex rendering of virtual reality (VR) environment. The developed device is able to produce the kinesthetic feedback up to 1.8 N in vertical projection and 0.9 N in horizontal projection without restricting the motion freedom of of the remaining fingers. The experimental results showed a sufficient precision in perception of force vector with DeltaFinger (mean force vector error of 0.6 rad). The proposed device potentially can be applied to VR communications, medicine, and navigation of the people with vision problems.