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A Study and Implementation of Virtual Reality and its Capabilities

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PubDate: March 2020

Teams: Concordia University Chicago

Writers: Jacob Stec;Selvanayaki Kolandapalayam Shanmugam

PDF: A Study and Implementation of Virtual Reality and its Capabilities


Virtual Reality is a technology, which helps the user to interact with an environment of the simulation of the real world or an imaginary world. This paper details an application using the Unity game engine to showcase and demonstrate the capabilities of VR. It includes the capabilities such as: Movement of the player, to demonstrate the ability to move your player model around the play area using the controllers; Head tracking in game, to demonstrate the VR head tracking technology by moving the camera in the game to match your head position in real life; and using in game hands to mimic the positioning of your real hands in relation to your body, to interact with objects within the virtual space.

