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Teleoperation of a Fast Omnidirectional Unmanned Ground Vehicle in the Cyber-Physical World via a VR Interface

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PubDate: December 2022

Teams: Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University;King’s College London;University of British Columbia

Writers: Yiming Luo;Jialin Wang;Yushan Pan;Shan Luo;Pourang Irani;Hai-Ning Liang

PDF: Teleoperation of a Fast Omnidirectional Unmanned Ground Vehicle in the Cyber-Physical World via a VR Interface


This paper addresses the relations between the artifacts, tools, and technologies that we make to fulfill user-centered teleoperations in the cyber-physical environment. We explored the use of a virtual reality (VR) interface based on customized concepts of Worlds-in-Miniature (WiM) to teleoperate unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs). Our designed system supports teleoperators in their interaction with and control of a miniature UGV directly on the miniature map. Both moving and rotating can be done via body motions. Our results showed that the miniature maps and UGV represent a promising framework for VR interfaces.

