The Detectability of Saccadic Hand Offset in Virtual Reality
PubDate:Oct 2023
Teams: Saarland University;Universität Hamburg
Writers:André Zenner,Chiara Karr,Martin Feick,Oscar Ariza,Antonio Krüger
PDF:The Detectability of Saccadic Hand Offset in Virtual Reality
On the way towards novel hand redirection (HR) techniques that make use of change blindness, the next step is to take advantage of saccades for hiding body warping. A prerequisite for saccadic HR algorithms, however, is to know how much the user’s virtual hand can unnoticeably be offset during saccadic suppression. We contribute this knowledge by conducting a psychophysical experiment, which lays the ground for upcoming HR techniques by exploring the perceptual detection thresholds (DTs) of hand offset injected during saccades. Our findings highlight the pivotal role of saccade direction for unnoticeable hand jumps, and reveal that most offset goes unnoticed when the saccade and hand move in opposite directions. Based on the gathered perceptual data, we derived a model that considers the angle between saccade and hand offset direction to predict the DTs of saccadic hand jumps.