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Interactive VRS-NeRF: Lightning fast Neural Radiance Field Rendering for Virtual Reality

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

PubDate:Oct 2023

Teams: Universität Hamburg

Writers:Tim Rolff,Ke Li,Julia Hertel,Susanne Schmidt,Simone Frintrop,Frank Steinicke

PDF:Interactive VRS-NeRF: Lightning fast Neural Radiance Field Rendering for Virtual Reality


In this demo, we build upon VRS-NeRF to provide an implementation for real-time variable rate shading (VRS) in virtual reality (VR). Here, we demo a recent advancement of Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) merging multiple pixels into one reducing the overall rendering time. This system allows the real-time visualization of small to medium NeRF scenes. Further, we demonstrate the applicability of VRS-NeRF for 2D applications and further show its generalizability by providing two additional methods for the determination of the shading rate and an adaptive method for adjusting the step size during ray marching.

