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Exploring of Discrete and Continuous Input Control for AI-enhanced Assistive Robotic Arms

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

Date:March 2024

Teams:TU Dortmund University & University of Duisburg-Essen,Westphalian University of Applied Sciences

Writers:Max Pascher,Author PictureKevin Zinta,Author PictureJens Gerken

PDF:Exploring of Discrete and Continuous Input Control for AI-enhanced Assistive Robotic Arms


Robotic arms, integral in domestic care for individuals with motor impairments, enable them to perform Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) independently, reducing dependence on human caregivers. These collaborative robots require users to manage multiple Degrees-of-Freedom (DoFs) for tasks like grasping and manipulating objects. Conventional input devices, typically limited to two DoFs, necessitate frequent and complex mode switches to control individual DoFs. Modern adaptive controls with feed-forward multi-modal feedback reduce the overall task completion time, number of mode switches, and cognitive load. Despite the variety of input devices available, their effectiveness in adaptive settings with assistive robotics has yet to be thoroughly assessed. This study explores three different input devices by integrating them into an established XR framework for assistive robotics, evaluating them and providing empirical insights through a preliminary study for future developments.

