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Efficient Tile-Based Adaptive Streaming for 360-Degree Video-on-Demand Systems

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Date:May 2024

Teams:Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,

Writers:Daoxu Sheng,Baoqi Gao,Guangtian Liu,Qi Qi,Jingyu Wang

PDF:Efficient Tile-Based Adaptive Streaming for 360-Degree Video-on-Demand Systems


In the field of 360-degree video streaming, the optimization of visual quality within the viewer’s field of view, alongside the minimization of system resource consumption, is a critical concern. The considerable file sizes associated with high-quality 360-degree videos pose significant challenges for efficient transmission. Current strategies primarily employ a tile-based approach to address these issues. However, these approaches face two core challenges: the methodology for tile segmentation, and the strategy for downloading tiles. To address these challenges, this paper presents a tile-based solution designed specifically for adaptive 360-degree video-on-demand streaming. Our method surpasses baseline methods in extensive simulations, positioning it as one of the leading solutions in the MMSys’24 Grand Challenge1.

