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GUI Presentation Method based on Binocular Rivalry for Non-overlay Information Recognition in Visual Scenes

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Date:May 2024

Teams:The University of Tokyo

Writers:Kai Guo, Yuki Shimomura, Juro Hosoi, Yuki Ban, Shin’Ichi Warisawa

PDF:GUI Presentation Method based on Binocular Rivalry for Non-overlay Information Recognition in Visual Scenes


In real-time applications like gaming and augmented reality systems, conveying additional information such as scores, warnings, and guides to users through a graphical user interface (GUI) is crucial, especially when the information is not directly accessible in the current context. However, the GUI overlays the visual scene, posing a challenge to users as they can not fully capture information within the visual scene. To address this challenge, we propose the binocular rivalry user interface (BUI), which leverages the binocular rivalry phenomenon occurring when different images are displayed to each eye, thereby extending human visual capabilities. The effectiveness of the proposed method was verified through experiments. The results suggest that, despite exhibiting lower UI readability than the widely used semi-translucent user interfaces, our proposed method induced a similar level of impression and willingness to use and achieved higher accuracy in recognizing changes in visual scene information.

