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SoundShift: Exploring Sound Manipulations for Accessible Mixed-Reality Awareness

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

Date:June 2024

Teams:University of Michigan;National Taiwan University

Writers:Ruei-Che Chang, Chia-Sheng Hung, Bing-Yu Chen, Dhruv Jain, and Anhong Guo

PDF:SoundShift: Exploring Sound Manipulations for Accessible Mixed-Reality Awareness


Mixed-reality (MR) soundscapes blend real-world sound with virtual audio from hearing devices, presenting intricate auditory information that is hard to discern and differentiate. This is particularly challenging for blind or visually impaired individuals, who rely on sounds and descriptions in their everyday lives. To understand how complex audio information is consumed, we analyzed online forum posts within the blind community, identifying prevailing challenges, needs, and desired solutions. We synthesized the results and propose SoundShift for increasing MR sound awareness, which includes six sound manipulations: Transparency Shift, Envelope Shift, Position Shift, Style Shift, Time Shift, and Sound Append. To evaluate the effectiveness of SoundShift, we conducted a user study with 18 blind participants across three simulated MR scenarios, where participants identified specific sounds within intricate soundscapes. We found that SoundShift increased MR sound awareness and minimized cognitive load. Finally, we developed three real-world example applications to demonstrate the practicality of SoundShift.

