Effective Visual Feedback for Virtual Grasping
PubDate: Sep 2024
Teams:Utsunomiya University
Writers:Shota Imaizumi, Mie Sato
PDF:Effective Visual Feedback for Virtual Grasping
The purpose of this study is to examine effectiveness of visual feedback in virtual grasping with a bare hand. We propose two types of visual feedback that can generate a pseudo-haptics and compare them with five types of existing visual feedback. In an experiment, a subject performs a pick-and-drop task, in which a virtual object, which is a sphere with a radius of 5 cm, is grasped, moved and released toward a target. Quantitative and qualitative evaluation by twenty subjects revealed that the one type of the proposed visual feedback helped the subjects perform the task most accurately and the other type of the proposed visual feedback was preferred most in the other visual feedback.