Room Acoustic Rendering Networks With Control of Scattering and Early Reflections
PubDate: Sep 2024
Teams: University of Surrey,Aalto University
Writers:Matteo Scerbo, Lauri Savioja, Enzo De Sena
PDF:Room Acoustic Rendering Networks With Control of Scattering and Early Reflections
Room acoustic synthesis can be used in virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and gaming applications to enhance listeners' sense of immersion, realism and externalisation. A common approach is to use geometrical acoustics (GA) models to compute impulse responses at interactive speed, and fast convolution methods to apply said responses in real time. Alternatively, delay-network-based models are capable of modeling certain aspects of room acoustics, but with a significantly lower computational cost. In order to bridge the gap between these classes of models, recent work introduced delay network designs that approximate Acoustic Radiance Transfer (ART), a geometrical acoustics (GA) model that simulates the transfer of acoustic energy between discrete surface patches in an environment. This paper presents two key extensions of such designs. The first extension involves a new physically-based and stability-preserving design of the feedback matrices, enabling more accurate control of scattering and, more in general, of late reverberation properties. The second extension allows an arbitrary number of early reflections to be modeled with high accuracy, meaning the network can be scaled at will between computational cost and early reverberation precision. The proposed extensions are compared to the baseline ART-approximating delay network as well as two reference GA models. The evaluation is based on objective measures of perceptually-relevant features, including frequency-dependent reverberation times, echo density build-up, and early decay time. Results show how the proposed extensions result in a significant improvement over the baseline model, especially for the case of non-convex geometries or the case of unevenly distributed wall absorption, both scenarios of broad practical interest.