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Safe laboratory practices & procedures introduced to the students through an augmented reality application

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PubDate: October 2019

Teams: LIST Laboratory UAE University

Writers: Anasse Hanafi;Lotfi Elaachak;Mohammed Bouhorma;El Khalil Bennis

PDF: Safe laboratory practices & procedures introduced to the students through an augmented reality application


The adoption of digital technology in both learning and teaching process, and the evolution of information technologies are opening new perspectives for the use of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). Thus, these technologies can facilitate the assistance of learners working on complex learning situation by using AR and enable the implementation of VR trainings, thus improving their efficiency. However, integrating these new tools into the existing learning processes remains complex, due to the technological aspects and the data continuum to be implemented, through the identification of use cases and the associated gains and by the diversity actors and experts to involve in this process: the expert of the main field, the designer and the IT developer. In this paper we aim to develop an AR application by following a developing process that will led to the planned results. The proposed application will be dictated for learners in higher education context, especially newbies that will practice their first experiment in the laboratory e.g.” biology, chemistry” by giving them an interactive environment to understand the safety procedure followed during experiments in laboratories.

