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A Context-aware Virtual Reality First Aid Training Application

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

PubDate: September 2019

Teams: Paderborn University

Writers: Enes Yigitbas;Joshua Heindörfer;Gregor Engels

PDF: A Context-aware Virtual Reality First Aid Training Application


With the spread of virtual reality (VR) applications in various domains (e.g. education and training, engineering or entertainment) targeting heterogeneous end-users, the aspect context-awareness started to play an important role. As tasks and environments in VR applications become more and more complex, it is important to adapt the interaction to the needs and the context in order to improve usability. In this paper, we study how to exploit context-awareness in VR applications in order to automatically adapt the interaction techniques in a VR application based on context parameter like user, platform, and environment. To show the benefit of our approach, we present a context-aware VR application for first aid training.

