Exploring Pie Menus for System Control Tasks in Virtual Reality
PubDate: September 2019
Teams: Fraunhofer-Institut für Kommunikation
Writers: Martin Mundt;Tintu Mathew
PDF: Exploring Pie Menus for System Control Tasks in Virtual Reality
The growing popularity of Virtual Reality (VR) makes it possible to address a growing user base that can draw on extensive prior knowledge of traditional, desktop-based applications and related two-dimensional interaction techniques using menus. The transfer of these techniques into the three-dimensional interaction space benefits VR applications, in particular those that are characterized by extensive system control options. The main focus of this work is on the adaptation of pie menus for VR. Four different implementations have been developed: Pick-Ray (PR) and Pick-Hand (PH) each supporting six degrees of freedom (6-DoF) for selection as well as Hand-Rotation (HR) and Stick-Rotation (SR) each supporting one degree of freedom (1-DoF). To examine the influence of the four different implementations on selection time, error rate, user experience, usability and presence we propose a corresponding user study.