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Virtual Simulation of Palletizing Training for Industrial Robots

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PubDate: July 2019

Teams: National Defense University of Science and Technology,Wuhan Donghu University

Writers: Liang Zhang;Rong Che;Bin Shen

PDF: Virtual Simulation of Palletizing Training for Industrial Robots


Robot palletizing training is one of the most important training subjects in robot teaching. The actual equipment training is often limited by the site, the number of equipment, safety and other factors, and the teaching effect is not ideal. In this paper, virtual reality technology is used to simulate the palletizing training of industrial robots. This paper completes the system’s three-dimensional modeling by Solidworks software, then uses the three-dimensional model of 3DS MAX software to render, and completes the design of stacking training animation. Finally, the virtual simulation of palletizing training is completed by using Unity3D software. Through the design, this paper constructs the basic route of using virtual reality technology to realize the actual stacking training and teaching of Kuka industrial robot, which lays a solid foundation for the improvement of the later virtual reality technology in teaching.

